Writing Write-Up

A couple updates since I’ve been back from my writing residency in Iceland:

I was a poetry finalist in the 2020-21 Lumiere Review Writing Contest, which honestly has been one of my highlights of this year so far!

I am thrilled that the anthology on Sh!t Men Say to Me: A Poetry Anthology in Response to Toxic Masculinity, which holds three of my poems, is out now. (I know we all could write a few poems on this topic…)

Levee Magazine also features my work in its April issue. I have been traveling, so I haven’t yet gotten to hold these publications in my hands, but will soon.

One of my new favorite poems I’ve written, “Etymology of a Middle Name,” was published in Kissing Dynamite. Read it here.

Another poem “The Night After the Procedure,” was given a home by the editors of Okay Donkey mag.

& as a reminder, you can always check out my publication list on my author website!



Writing AND Traveling News!

Whew! Travel has (obviously) come to a halt, and as as result,  I’ve been busy with editing and submitting my creative writing. I almost forgot to update y’all, but I’m happy that some poems have been accepted into these journals.


I was accepted to two international writing residencies! One in Iceland, and one in Finland, planned for 2021. A lot can change before then, but I’ve been informed that I can be granted an exemption due to business as long as I follow appropriate protocol, which I will certainly do. Here’s hoping that there will be a reliable vaccine soon, that things improve with containing the virus, and that travel can safely resume.

img_5489In Iceland back in 2016, and the answer is YES, about 47 of them.

I’ve been to Iceland before, but if anyone has any recommendations for Finland, I’m all ears! Or, any tips for a productive writing residency, books to bring, prompts, etc.?

Happy wandering & writing,


Word to Action

Word to Action is a writing retreat centered on the theme of climate change. My friend, Cathy Wittmeyer, is the creator and host of this incredible retreat, which took place October 12-18 in Liechtenstein.

It featured poets Craig Santos Perez, Will McInerney, Kelli Russell Agodon, Richard Blanco, Enda Wyley, and Tess Barry.

It certainly isn’t easy to plan an international writing retreat in the year of 2020, with travel bans and a worldwide pandemic, but Cathy pulled it off seamlessly. I was lucky enough to help behind the scenes with social media and also attended the retreat virtually, which provided me with fresh knowledge and inspiration, but also, renewed hope.

Just after Day 1, I was speechless! I learned so much from both the featured speakers and the other participants that will carry into not only my future writing, but my way of engaging with the world.

From Cathy:

I see a clear picture for moving forward and that picture has a lot of haze in it (a continued or new pandemic, other crises, other demands on time): behind the fog is hope that writing poems and putting them into the world will create ripples. The more of us that are out there making ripples, the harder our words will be to ignore. Poetry changes the world with a collective of small vibrations that move through one, two, or a thousand people at a time.

Cathy Wittmeyer, host

Beautiful view of the Alps.
All for the final performance!

Check out the link to the video performance and record your carbon footprint here.

As we have seen, this year perhaps more than ever, climate change is so very real. I’m continuing to educate myself on actions big and small that I can take, and want to encourage others to do the same. That’s how those ripples will make waves of change. I’m thankful to Cathy and all those who gave their time in making this retreat one to remember.

Hopefully see you there in person in 2021!


P.S. To keep up with Word to Action, find us on Instagram here or @wordtoaction and Twitter here, or @WordtoAction20.

Not Very Quiet

Ecstatic that my longest sectioned poem, “Redbird,” has found a home within this special Australian journal.

I’m all about women empowerment, and this feels like a good fit for such a vulnerable and important poem.

This newest issue of Not Very Quiet is set to launch tomorrow, September 14th. There is also an audio file, so you can hear me read, if you’d prefer.



Some wonderful folks over at The Poetry Question asked me to list my five must-reads or five favorite writers. There’s no way I could do so, but I tried to incorporate a range of voices, including some I’ve been lucky to learn from personally.

Check out my recommendations listed today on The Poetry Question’s #TPQ5 here.


Two Poems

Two of my poems are up on The Daily Drunk magazine.


I got the acceptance e-mail 10 minutes after I sent the submission, which was a massively wonderful surprise, and definitely a record for me!

Read them here.

                                                                          Keep writing & wandering,
